Saturday, May 04, 2019



Sooner or later, there is a war coming to the West and it will be caused by our unwillingness to recognise the nature of the beast. Islam accepts parity with no other creed and regards all other gods or religions as offensive to Allah which must be eliminated. Common sense, reason etc have nothing to do with it: it's a matter of blind faith trumping everything.

We are all familiar with the mantras -- It's always better to talk about things. Let's negotiate.   Lets discuss this reasonably and I'm sure we can resolve it. Let's find a middle ground. We can both find a mutually acceptable solution. Are we not all brothers? Etc etc etc. It won't work. The sooner we get real, the better. The real enemy of all of us is, quite simply, religion. The massacres during the Crusades were a part of the Christian response to the Muslim massacres during the Muslim takeover of the eastern Mediterranean. If it's not Jews versus Muslim, it is Muslim versus Christian, one Muslim sect versus another one, Catholic versus Protestant, one type of Protestant versus another......and so it goes on – over and over again. More people are murdered/tortured/persecuted/vilified in the name of so-called loving, caring and compassionate gods than you can shake a stick at.

Israel, Jerusalem in particular, somehow sums it all up. You've got touchstone religious symbolism for the Christian churches, Judaism and Islam all in one and the same spot, all relating to different gods/different versions of the same god/different ways of worshipping either the same god or else different ones. You pays your money and you takes your choice, according to which particular strain of those religions you make your spiritual pilot. Meanwhile, Islamic fundamentalists and Jewish fundamentalists (more in common with each other than either wants to contemplate) are hell-bent (oh, the irony) on precipitating a major, bloody confrontation that will involve everybody.

And all the while, Israel is nuclear, Iran intends to be, Meanwhile, the Pakistani military are..... Just waiting to see what happens next? Or maybe, actually planning to make sure the "right" thing happens?…

Tuesday, February 05, 2019


This should be made clear to everyone seeking UK residency. Residency necessarily and unambiguously requires absolute acceptance,, formally acknowledged, of the primacy of the UK law, whatever the culture and religious beliefs held by the applicant.
This is non-negotiable. Anyone who cannot accept that proposition has no place here.

The national, unifying language of the UK is English. Therefore, permanent UK residence will require the adoption of English as the language of employment and education. Refusal to accept that means you have no permanent place in the UK.
This is non-negotiable. This should be made explicitly clear to applicants.

Grant of UK residency is dependent on acceptance of prevailing UK culture and heritage. That includes not only the freedom of choice of belief, but also the social and legal status of women and their right to choose for themselves their future partner. This includes the illegality of female genital mutilation. Anyone who cannot accept that proposition has no place here.
This is non-negotiable. This should be made explicitly clear to any applicant.

If, having accepted all the implications and requirements entailed in grant of residency, there is a wilful breach of those requirements, then not only is the residency or subsequent citizenship automatically revoked, the individual will be returned to their country of origin, irrespective of any changes in their UK domestic arrangements subsequent to their arrival in the UK. This should be made explicitly clear to all applicants. It is not negotiable.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Why has no political party made this part of their manifesto?


This should be made clear to everyone seeking UK residency. Residency necessarily and unambiguously requires absolute acceptance,, formally acknowledged, of the primacy of the UK law, whatever the culture and religious beliefs held by the applicant.

 This is non-negotiable. Anyone who cannot accept that proposition has no permanent place here.

The national, unifying language of the UK is English. Therefore, permanent UK residence will require the adoption of English as the language of employment and education.

 This is non-negotiable. Refusal to accept that means you have no permanent place in the UK. This should be made explicitly clear to applicants.

Grant of UK residency is dependent on acceptance of prevailing UK culture and heritage. That includes not only freedom of choice of belief, but also the social and legal status of women and their right to choose for themselves their future partner. This includes the illegality of female genital mutilation and forced marriage.

This is non-negotiable. Anyone who cannot accept that proposition has no place here. This should be made explicitly clear to any applicant.

If, having accepted all the implications and requirements entailed in grant of residency, is a wilful breach of those requirements, then not only is the residency or subsequent citizenship automatically revoked, the individual will be returned to their country of origin, irrespective of any changes in their UK domestic arrangements subsequent to their arrival in the UK.

This is non-negotiable. It should be made explicitly clear to all applicants.

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Eight pictures to make you think... and Churchill foresaw it...
Be sure to read Churchill's comments at the end.

                                                                    IRAN 1970 
IRAN 2012

                                                          AFGHANISTAN 1967

                                                    AFGHANISTAN 2011

                      EGYPT (Cairo University) 1959


                                 EGYPT (Cairo University) 2012

                                             NETHERLANDS (Amsterdam) 1980

                                             NETHERLANDS (Amsterdam) 2012

And some people STILL don't think the Western world has anything to worry about.

                                                            Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill 1899:
"Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the  world."

Unbelievable, but the speech below was written in 1899. (Check Wikipedia - The River War). The attached short speech from Winston Churchill, was delivered by him in 1899 when he was a young soldier and journalist. It probably sets out the current views of many, but expresses in the wonderful Churchillian turn of phrase and use of the English language, of which he was a past master. Sir Winston Churchill was, without doubt, one of the greatest men of the late 19th and 20th centuries. He was a brave young soldier, a brilliant journalist, an extraordinary politician and statesman, a great war leader and British Prime Minister, to whom the Western world must be forever in his debt.
He was a prophet in his own time. He died on 24th January 1965, at the grand old age of 90.

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.
The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensual-ism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.
No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome."
Sir Winston Churchill;
(Source: The River War, first edition, Vol II, pages 248-250 London).

Churchill saw it coming a long time ago. He is being proved right year after year, week after week, day after day, country after country after country. He saw it THEN. Today's politicians are deliberately blind to the reality. That or sheer cowardice prevents them dealing with the problem. Either way, they are Islam's "useful fools", helping Islam to spread and embed itself among its targets.

Saturday, September 23, 2017


I've said it before – sooner or later, there is a war coming to the West and it will be caused by our unwillingness to recognise the nature of the beast that faces us. Islam accepts parity with no other creed and regards all other gods or religions as offensive to Allah which must be eliminated. Common sense, reason etc have nothing to do with it: it's a matter of blind faith trumping everything.

We are all familiar with the mantras -- It's always better to talk about things. Let's negotiate.   Lets discuss this reasonably and I'm sure we can resolve it. Let's find a middle ground. We can both find a mutually acceptable solution. Are we not all brothers? Etc etc etc. It won't work. The sooner we get real, the better.

The real enemy of all of us is, quite simply, religion itself. Again. The massacres during the Crusades were a part of the Christian response to the Moslem massacres during the Moslem takeover of the eastern Mediterranean. If it's not Jew versus Moslem, it is Moslem versus Christian, one Moslem sect versus another one, Catholic versus Protestant, one type of Protestant versus another......and so it goes on – over and over again. More people are murdered/tortured/persecuted/vilified in the name of so-called loving, caring and compassionate gods than you can shake a stick at. All religions necessarily and explicitly require unquestioning belief in something that has no supporting evidence.

Israel, Jerusalem in particular, somehow sums it all up. You've got touchstone religious symbolism for the Christian churches, Judaism and Islam all in one and the same spot, all relating to different gods/different versions of the same god/different ways of worshipping either the same god or else different ones. You pays your money and you takes your choice, according to which particular strain of those religions you make your spiritual pilot. Meanwhile, Islamic fundamentalists and Jewish fundamentalists (more in common with each other than either wants to contemplate) are hell-bent (oh, the irony) on precipitating a major, bloody confrontation that will involve everybody. And all the while, Israel and Iran and Pakistan have a serious nuclear capability with a willingness and, indeed, a growing desire to use it if and/or     when the situation gives them excuse.

Many countries have governments in power which are inextricably linked to one particular religion – Islam. Saudi Arabia, Islam's homeland in particular. In those instances, power and authority is both dependent on and guided by interpretations of Islam that are rigorously eMy faithnforced. All those countries are wedded to a creed that is inflexibly and vigorously hostile to all our concepts of Western culture. It is our refusal to accept that proposition AND our refusal to adopt appropriately defensive strategies that is our fatal weakness. Our very own self-defined "virtues" of tolerance and willingness to seek compromise are simply opportunities for this hostile, predatory and ultimately lethal creed to live among us and proliferate. Wishful thinking and dreaming of a peaceful solution has led us to this and pretty soon, events will overtake us.    

Saturday, May 06, 2017


Academic selection, with no reference to the family income/location etc is the ideal mechanism for promoting and demonstrating equality of educational opportunity.  In my grammar school year, there were pupils whose parents included office workers, tradesmen, solicitors, doctors, sales reps, factory workers and shop workers.  Every year was the same. It was socially inclusive, with admission based on merit and not background.  This was Salford in the 60s.  That same year later produced one fellow of Cambridge, one Oxford academic, several other university academics, authors, at least one leading name in commerce, one pop music entrepreneur and numerous professionals -- teachers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers etc.  As grammar schools go, it was good -- and there were lots of them all over the country, too.

 However, what prepared me and my generation for the rigours of  the 11+ and  grammar school was  6-years at primary school. What has changed is both the way children are taught and the way teachers themselves are prepared for teaching.  I'm a grammar school product but I'm not here to extol their virtues, great though they are, but to show that they were provided with excellent material to begin with.

 It seems to me that then, the job of primary schools was to prepare pupils for a  secondary education. Their job was to hand over to secondary schools 11 year-olds who were numerate and literate, with a sound basic knowledge of our pre-Norman history, UK geography and a general idea of countries of the globe. Certainly it was British-centred.  And why not?  It's only right that we should educate our young to understand our own heritage before we indulge in our ritual self-abasement and attempt to  contrive some sort  of historical and cultural equivalence with or to other cultures.  I'm sure other countries also put their own fundamental cultures first. They are quite right to do this --- we should do the same.

 It was generally accepted and understood that numeracy and literacy were the foundation stones of all further education, from shopkeeping to nuclear physics.  These pupils were ready for serious education, with all the tools they would require. Of course, this required primary school teachers to have the necessary skills and knowledge and, dare I say  it, the willingness to actually inculcate some knowledge into their charges.  Oh, yes, and a system which insisted on gentle, but enforced discipline.

 I attended a bog-standard Catholic primary school in Manchester, with pupils from a wide social base.  As a matter of course, we were regularly tested on our spelling, arithmetic (including a weekly mental arithmetic test) and yes, we learned our tables. Poor grammar was corrected -- by teachers who actually knew what it was. (Basic grammar, that is: clausal analysis came later!)
 All subjects were tested annually with proper   explorations of what we had actually learned and remembered. No multiple-choice answers then.  Guess what -- it actually worked, without ever being intense or elitist.  It was simply constant and insistent and yes, quite happy too, even for those less able.  The class had over 30 forward-facing, teacher-focused pupils and I strongly suspect that the class of 1957 would, in terms of literacy, numeracy and general knowledge of this country, knock spots off most of today's output.

We can't blame the teachers because it isn't their fault.  They too are the products -- victims -- of the relentless politicisation of education and the incessant stream of changes in the way it is organised. It isn't just the abandonment of any selection based on academic ability.  It's the attitude which, in a fruitless pursuit of a bogus 'equality', seeks to establish adequacy as excellence, thereby lowering standards, which then makes it easy for the government to claim that results -- and, therefore, standards too --  are improving. Teachers who were educated the "old" way -- and there are precious few of them left now -- despair that those entering the profession who will replace them often lack the subject grasp which used to be standard.

May I suggest that before any sustainable improvement in the performance and output of secondary education can be achieved, it is vital to begin the rescue process in the primary sector? If children are comfortable with the basic numerical functions and   are literate, all subsequent learning is made easier and pupils will have more enthusiasm.  If they are handicapped in these areas,   education suffers and the country is badly served. No wonder science is not attracting pupils: it's made far more difficult if mathematical skills are deficient and students have difficulty reading complex text.  That applies equally to History, English etc.  The increasing reliance on technology to resolve a mathematical problem only makes it worse: when students are accustomed to having an answer calculated for them, they make progress without actually understanding the basic relationships and linkages of mathematics. Without understanding, such tenuous knowledge is not just shallow, it can be dangerous.

And, to sustain improvements at higher levels, why not have a basic "passport" to Higher education in the form of something like the pre-war Higher School Certificate, which requires passes in English, maths, at least one each of the basic sciences and humanities (eg physics + history) and, importantly, a paper which covered the workings of the UK and it's various systems, say   'British Constitution'?  I seem to recall that my Economics A-Level course included a history of the parliamentary system, the legal system and judicial hierarchy, the separation of powers and the constitutional monarchy.  I wouldn't mind betting that damn near all today's sixth-formers have little or no knowledge of any of that.  No wonder succeeding generations have no  proper understanding of the system, no appreciation of the significant role of a constitutional monarchy. No wonder either, that politically illiterate youth will make forceful political protestations on matters they do not fully understand!

Wednesday, April 06, 2016


The "human rights" culture.

Human rights.  Yeah, right.  As I see it, there's no such thing as a universal human right.  Rights, whatever category of right you care to name, are rights -- privileges, entitlements, whatever -- which any given society or group confers on its own members.  Thus, members of golf clubs have particular rights peculiar to the membership, nightclubs "reserve the right to refuse admission", the Freedom of Information Act gives us the right to access certain information and UK citizens have the right to vote in UK general elections and so on.

  No rights are automatic, self-evident rights: they are all the result of particular groups or societies defining the rights of their members. It is only by agreeing to abide by and conform with the rules of those societies that we are accepted as members OF those societies and groups. Failure – or refusal – to "follow the rules" will normally result in penalties or exclusion from that group.

 Within those groups and societies -- from the Students Union to the Bar Council, the golf club to the United Nations -- we define rules of eligibility and conduct and agree general or specific limitations to those rights and we pass laws to explicitly deny certain rights -- the right to help ourselves to other people's property, to hurt or damage other people, animals, property etc.  Many of those rights do not exist in other countries and indeed, some other countries give their citizens rights that here would be strictly illegal -- the right to carry a rifle, to own slaves, to treat animals or other humans in ways we would consider distinctly cruel or barbaric, for example.  We extend to everyone in this country some rights simply by virtue of  being here.  The right to wander the public highway, for example, to pursue their own religion, to choose one's own partner and so on. Indeed, we have the right to dress as we please, even to go naked (without outraging public decency, of course) without necessarily inviting visits from sexual predators! It's why we like to think of ourselves as a "free society". It's increasingly under threat.

Within those parameters specifically defined by a nation to protect itself and its members in general, laws and rules are made for that purpose, such as those dealing with terrorism, extremism and the preaching of sedition.  We elect parliaments, giving them the power to make laws that govern the way we live, extract money from us and commit us as a society to international undertakings or even wars. But those powers themselves are not irrevocable and they can be withdrawn if and when the electorate decide.

Some of our citizens' rights are surrendered voluntarily when, for example, joining the Armed Forces and agreeing to submit to the military code of the UK, Queen's Regulations.

Criminals can forfeit many of their rights as a consequence of their actions. They may well forfeit their freedom and spend time in prison. (Oh, and there is no "human right" to comfort! Or TV!). The greater the offence committed, the more rights are forfeited by the criminal – and for longer. Some consider that the best deterrent for would-be criminals who go armed and quite prepared to take someone else's life in order to get what they want, should be the distinct possibility that they will face the same consequence for themselves -- execution. That really WOULD be a "quid pro quo"!

Underlying all this is the concept of accountability.  There is a quid pro quo in society that affects everything.  We are responsible for our actions.  Nobody else is, as a general rule.  It used to be generally understood that if it was your fault that something went wrong, you would be subject to some adverse consequence. When you think about it, that's a distinctly Newtonian proposition -- nothing is without consequence or reciprocal, whether it is payment, an exchange of obligations, debt incurred, favour returned and so on..  The legal profession has changed everything however: today , nobody is responsible for anything.  Ever. We have a new Moral Relativism.

We have developed a culture of dependency and a moral code which seems to make every moral judgement subject to an appraisal based on its financial impact, or possibly any legal precedents, or maybe prevailing European law – and the idea that somehow, blame can be shared. Today, everything is somebody else's fault -- the girl was dressed provocatively and she led me on with her flirting so it's her fault really, claims the rapist's legal team and you know that somewhere, some idiot judge or jury will buy that defence. Increasingly, we have the "cultural offence" bandwagon. In nearly every case, the offence appears to be given by the "host" culture and the offence taken by representatives of a newer, "alien" culture.

We are all "victims" of something or other, or somebody or other, apparently. New causes of our victimhood are constantly being discovered. If it isn't something that somebody said some time that somehow offended us and hurt our feelings (even if we weren't aware of the crime at the time), it will be a new crime definition. Currently, "race" and "hate" crimes are "fashionable". What next? I'm sure there are lawyers or political activists somewhere, working it out. Be warned: lawyers will be involved – that means it will be expensive for the "perpetrators" and profitable for the lawyers.